Yorkshire North & East Ridings Freemasons

Problems logging in?

If you are having problems logging in to your account on this website, there are a few things to be aware of that might be of assistance.

Your web browser

This is a rewritten website, completely replacing the old one but using the same web address. If parts of the old site are still held in your browser cache, this can cause issues. Solve this by emptying ("clearing") your browser cache.

This website uses the latest internet technologies. Older browsers may not support all of them. Please use a modern and up to date web browser to browse the site.


You must accept cookies from this site in order to be able to log in. This is because the log-in process itself sets a cookie. If this cookie cannot be set then login will fail.

There is no security implication at all from accepting our site cookies. Read our cookie policy here.

You can accept cookies from this site by clicking the cookie information panel at the bottom left of every page. Please be aware that if you have set your web browser to globally reject cookies or are using other software which affects the setting of cookies, then that setting takes precedence over the site setting.

Your login credentials

Login credentials are case-sensitive. Enter them exactly as provided and do not introduce any additional spaces, for example.

If you have forgotten your username and/or password or the ones you have been sent do not seem to work, or for any other issues, please contact the webmaster for assistance. We will make every effort to assist you in a timely fashion. We aim to follow up all tech service contact within 24 hours and usually much faster.